Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Depth of Field !!!

Few times I feel very sad about myself... I am unable to buy a Digital SLR. Its too expensive for me. :(
Just kidding...
Why I was saying so is because of limitations of my existing camera which is S2 IS.
But I am very sure that Its best camers in it's own categorie.
All these thought came into my mind besause ... I was not able to set f-stop below f3.5.
Camera software was allowing me to do so...
Perhaps the software is saying "There are more than one way to think, be creative, explore your camera more..."

The snap below is taken with f3.5, i.e. larger aperture so the depth of field is less. That is why the pigeon on right hand side is not clearly visible.

While snap below is taken with f8.0, i.e. smaller aperture so the depth of field is large. Outline of the pigeon on right hand side is reasonably clean.

You can find detailed information about Depth Of Field (DOF) on


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